Conflict with the Church

We continue our thoughts on conflict in the church. We’ve talked about conflict with staff, or the main board, and now we approach the issue of conflict with individuals in the pews.

First of all, it happens. Of course it does. Perhaps these thoughts will help. Expect it. But do not make it bigger than it is, or think your church is unique. Wherever there is a group of more than one, there will be some disagreement.

Make little of little disagreements. It does not matter if a few did not like a song the church sang or a sermon thought you gave. Relax. Don’t dwell on the negatives and feel blue. Let it be. Continue reading “Conflict with the Church”

What Are The Non-Negotiables


  1.    Our view of Scripture and primary doctrine.

(not tertiary and minor areas)

  1. Our values

    Grace                    Worship                          Community                    Mission                            Integrity


  God’s Love            Glorify God                           Love                             Purpose

                                                                                  Great Command            Great Commission


  1. Our unity and mood; love, kindness and respect (I Cor. 13; Eph. 3, 4)


  1. The priesthood of believers; the leadership of love.
  1. Financial and ethical integrity
  1. Hard work!
  1. Cannot settle for status quo

The Traditions That Must Be Broken



1.   At the worship part of the preliminaries part of the worship service is the preliminaries.

2.   That visitation is the most important thing a pastor does.

3.   That a church stands for truth at the expense of love.

4.   That people should be at the church as much as possible.

5.   That the priesthood of believers means serving at the church building or in services.

6,   The pastor is the main doer.

7.   Making changes as a very slow process previously now needs to have easier expedition.

8.   The worth and regularity of meetings – especially

     Committee meeting just to discuss without action.

    District or area meetings that do not benefit the local church.

   Congregational meetings or electives that keep changing the  “congregation” so that no relationships are built.

9. The dependence on volunteers – where the average active volunteer gave eight hours, he now gives two.

10. The pastor as the answer man or authority figure – the need for relationships and trust but warm love.

11. The attention-span issue.


Truths to be Respected


  • Change is a necessary part of life and growth.
  •  People hate changes and surprises.
  • The pastor must be the catalyst and manager of change.
  • A good leader influences people to come along.
  • Love means we lead carefully.
  • The local church is the Lord’s, then the people’s.

It is amazing how little we can change in a year, and how much in five years

Church Security Primer


+  Pray for safety and protection, not in front of the crowd to scare them, but on staff and with leadership.

+  Know who the “Point Person” is on staff, and the volunteer “Ministry Manager.”  This is the head usher in some churches, but it seems best to have someone majoring on just plain security.  Usually behind the scenes.  Certainly it is the staff leader for the members of the church staff. Continue reading “Church Security Primer”