5 Important Habits of a Healthy Church Download
Handout – Traits of a Healthy Church and Acts 20 -Attachment
1. Grace: enjoying what God does for us.
Be able to explain the “CROSS” Some really can’t.
Put the CROSS in all sermons. There is time.
Stand as a fellow strugglers . Not all right.
2. Worship: exalting God and His Word.
Place the sermon as top priority. Not maybe.
Differentiate between “God says” and “I think.” Billy is right.
Plan so emotions have time too. No jump starts.
3. Community: enlisting people in groups.
Proclaim the good of three.
Plan structures for care and growth. Unstructured too. Don’t just count on it.
Model it! Talk and walk.
4. Mission: emphasizing why we are here.
Write and communicate a mission statement.
Philosophy too. Free people to carry it out. Busy, busy. busy…
Who are these 10%?
Consider 50-50! Wow!
5. Integrity: encouraging “ oneness ”
Confront own “HEART” defects ! Top priority.
Nurture and confront other leaders . Part of the job