JOB DESCRIPTION – Director or Manager of Admonistration

A sample of an alternative


To manage administrative and financial areas of the church, working
with volunteers to assume detail responsibility and giving excellence to these areas

Report to: senior pastor or senior associate

Time: 10-15 hours a week; ten weeks off a year, with responsibility to see areas are covered or to do bt computer.

Compensation: $800 per month. No benefits.


 1. To be responsible for the financial reports of the church, all financial procedures and policies, and to advise the pastor in these areas.

2.  To be “point person” on staff for the building and grounds of our church, overseeing paid and volunteer help in these areas, and instituting a schedule for regular maintenance and procedures so that regular upgrades are built into the church budget.


  1.   Appoint and encourage volunteers to care for details in all areas, if they can give excellence to the goals and needs.

 2.  Advise the pastor about needs and procedures and staff policies on finances and building use, always improving ministries and “customer service.”

 3.  Give input as desired by the pastor, to staff and board meetings.

 4.  Devise and give management to schedules and flowcharts and systems that give excellence in these areas.

 5.  Other responsibilities as assigned.


Be a faithful member and attender at church….Live an exemplary Christian life….Be loyal to the pastor, and open about suggestions.
Signed: _______________( PERSON) __________________________(PASTOR)