The main board of a church is either a very good car that helps to get the church where it should be going, or a clunker that goes as slow as can be and could never pass a state-of-the-church inspection if there were one. Continue reading “The Board of the Church”
Everyone on one of the committees would grade the pastor from 1 to 7 before the meeting. Six or seven is wonderful. Four or five is good. Obviously 1 to 3 is poor and cause for action and improvement. Continue reading “ANNUAL REVIEW OF A PASTOR”
Preparing a worship service and sermon with people in mind and heart!
The grand teacher of homiletics, Haddon Robinson, always taught that you should plan your sermon by (make-believe or real) sitting around a table with a 14-year-old, a widow, a divorced person, married couple, young person, and an older retired person. I think he said five or six people. Continue reading “Preparing a worship service and sermon with people in mind and heart!”
Executive Pastor On Large Church Staff
Every situation is different, a little, but there are some advantages to a
strong team joining the lead pastor to form the “office of the executive
pastor” instead of having one person do that.
Senior or lead pastor: the leader of staff, the pastor-in-chief, the CEO of the church and staff. Continue reading “Executive Pastor On Large Church Staff”
5 Important Habits of a Healthy Chuch
5 Important Habits of a Healthy Church Download
Handout – Traits of a Healthy Church and Acts 20 -Attachment
1. Grace: enjoying what God does for us. Continue reading “5 Important Habits of a Healthy Chuch”
Personal Ministries of the Pastor
Personal Ministries of the Pastor-Download
Principles or procedures so Hebrews 13:17 is true: Continue reading “Personal Ministries of the Pastor”
Sunday Adult Bible Fellowships
Home Adult Bible Fellowships
Sunday and Home Life Groups
Grace Groups
Small Groups
House Churches
and more
Entry Groups
Membership Classes
“Belong to a group, you belong to the church.”
Easily an area of confusion and yawning! Continue reading “GROUPS”
Sincere Questions About A Worship Service That May Sound Cynical At Times
- Do the staff and the lead volunteers really understand the purpose and the high importance of the worship assembly-service? Do they attend and participate?
Continue reading “Sincere Questions About A Worship Service That May Sound Cynical At Times”
PASTORING a “people group” within the church
Guidelines for this “horizontal” responsibility
Pray for and pay attention to people in this age group. Continue reading “PASTORING a “people group” within the church”
The Importance of Adult Bible Fellowships -ABFs

The Importance of Adult Bible Fellowships Download Continue reading “The Importance of Adult Bible Fellowships -ABFs”